Hi, welcome!
This website is a collection of my ink sketches, organized in an unusual way.

Get a cup of tea, and take your time exploring!

Start here!


Support me

The best way to support me right now is go to the steam page for Mossfield Archives, and give us a whishlist + follow!

Mossfield Archives - Steam Page


I'm a multi-disciplinary visual artist working in games.
I run a game development studio with my partner called Studio Pomidori.

At the moment I'm working with
Studio Any Percent on a game
called Mossfield Archives.

You can follow what I do on:

Bluesky Mastodon


By accessing these pages you agree to my terms of service which are:

1. All the materials on these pages cannot be used for AI training.

If you break the terms of service you owe me a Billion Euros. Also you're a parasite and you can go jump in a fire. :)